
Donna Lou Shickel is a nationally-known Christian keynote entertainer and radio host/ singer/song-writer and comedienne with five recorded albums. She raised over $200,000 for local charities through her benefit concerts but enjoyed most her performances at area nursing homes, residential care facilities and Veteran’s hospitals since 1985. She was parent coordinator for area Young Life and has led retreats and Bible studies and has been recognized by various civic, Church and veterans’ organizations for her service and advocacy on behalf of those who cannot speak or care for themselves. Donna Lou recently ended seven years of her weekly radio broadcasts, but continues through “A Place of Grace/ Bibles for Inmates” to ship free Bibles to inmates at Rockingham and Middle River Jails - complete with their names engraved on the cover. Donna Lou currently serves her Church as Lector, Eucharistic Minister to the homebound and as a member of the Evangelization committee while continuing a decades’ long study of Scriptures, Church history and theology. She has been blissfully married to husband Ron for 31 years, and is a grateful mother of two sons, Daniel and Derek.
“Donna Lou possesses the unique ability as an entertainer to bring her audiences from laughter to tears, then back to laughter again. She leaves us on our feet with a moving, patriotic finale and a heart to go away changed, better people. I believe her effectiveness as an entertainer stems not only from her God-given talent, but from the fact that she deeply cares about each member of her audience.” - Roy Rotenberry, Civic Leader, Publisher and Convention Planner